Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is the best p2p networking program out there that is free?

What is the very best p2p networking program out there that is free? I already have Limewire, but its getting quite old. I have searched and searched, and I download the program and then at the very end, they want me to pay for it before I can use it. WTF? I just want to share some movies and music... thats it. Does anyone out there know???? Thanks a billionWhat is the best p2p networking program out there that is free?
utorrent. Its the smallest bittorrent client there is. It works well, looks pretty, and works well (i know its listed twice).

Just install utorrent, and then go to for whatever you want.What is the best p2p networking program out there that is free?
I'm pretty sure Limewire is the best out there, but you can try Ares or Winmx. I used them before, and they work quite well. But I prefer Limewire the mostWhat is the best p2p networking program out there that is free?

Fast, easy, free.

No spyware, trojans, virii or malicious code.

Lime wire is unreliable, because it installs spyware and adware against your knowing.

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